“Cool” 2004 48”x30” inkjet print and acrylic on canvas

"Veil of the Eternal" 2014 10' x 8' 3D digital inkjet print on canvas

2005 5' x 4' limited edition archival digital print on canvas private collections

"KO-1" 2010 3' x 2'6" inkjet print and pencil on paper private collection

"85/81/5"-"5/18/58" 2006 5' x 2' acrylic on canvas

“KGB” 2003 30”x42” inkjet print, acrylic, and pumice on canvas

"Rampage" 2008 5' x 7' acrylic on canvas

"Monoceros" 2010 32" x 10" inkjet print on paper
Paint By Numbers
The beginning of imagery collaboration with Jack
We had acquired access to a large format printer through our friend Max where he worked which could print on both paper and canvas. My initial idea was to have Jack apply a different digital effect to each
image as under painting printed on canvas and painted with specific textures, surfaces, and techniques depending on the subject. Portraits inspired by reading about Frida Kahlo and her work.
I thought I had never done portraits before but not so: Heads of State installation shot in Lost and Found section with some early digital mash ups from Big Drawings, a transition between Landscapes of the Mind and Big Ideas late 1980s. Angel of Mercy who Jack found in the flat files and became Nanshe is also from Big Drawings.
Digital prints derived from actual drawings, Ghost Rings, Asteroid, Ready and others which Jack originally printed when he worked at the bank as laser prints for sale at Dumbo Open Studio. Print installations which we did for local businesses KGB Liqours and Ultra Salon also provided source material as well as images created for fabric which led to using techniques for creating 3D digital prints.