Endocranial Pyrotechnics
I started doing little drawings with color pencil on black paper in 1995 when I first moved to New York and was without a studio. I had a small, spiral bound book of black paper on which I created drawings based on the first names of my friends, which I then gave to them. I then did a larger drawing of my own name, a self-portrait of sorts, which appears as the icon at the bottom of my website.
Once I was more settled, I began using this media for drawings with less specific imagery which is drawn from a wide range of sources. In other words, these ideas come from everywhere, which is a very liberating process. These drawings led directly to the development of the Black Light Work.

2008 color pencil on black paper

2000 10 3/4”x 8 1/4” color pencil on paper private collection

2009 color pencil on black paper

1999 color pencil on black paper

2009 color pencil on black paper

2003 color pencil on black paper

2009 color pencil on black paper

1999 5 1/4”x 4 1/2” colorpencil on paper

2000 color pencil on black paper