Installation at the Art League of Long Island 2004

Poor Thing 20" x 24" acrylic and graphite on wood

“Lady in Waiting” (virginia creeper moth) 1991 24”x 24” acrylic and graphite on wood

“Idiot Savant” (bumblebee) 1997 12”x 12” acrylic, graphite, and bee pollen on wood

“Reality Check” (psylicybin) 1991 20”x 24” acrylic and color pencil on wood

“Revolution” (earthworms) 1992 20”x 24” acrylic, graphite, and color pencil on wood

“White Slave” (opium poppy seed pod) 1995 3”x 3” acrylic, heroin, and graphite on wood

“Drop Dead” (box jelly) 1992 10”x 3 3/4” acrylic and color pencil on wood

1992 3 3/4" x 6" acrylic and graphite on wood
Low LiFe
Gem-Like Portraits of Nature's Undesirables
These intimate paintings deal with our relationship to nature and the beauty of all living things. They come from an intersection of science and fantasy.
Hanging these paintings in groups for exhibitions was the beginning of my artistic collaboration with Jack. They were lying on a table in my NYC apartment before I had moved my studio from LA when he made that suggestion and we started playing with different combinations.